Thursday, November 28, 2019

Day 25

In the mid nineteen hundreds, a man named Joseph Campbell outlined a concept called the Hero's Journey. 

Google it to see an illustration. 

Essentially it is the explanation of why certain stories persist far beyond the original civilization that circulated it. 

Think Homer's Odyssey. Hercules. Harry Potter in a couple hundred years. 

It's very simple to understand and clear to see how all of these stories, along with many others, contain the same core elements. 

I believe the most valuable startups also follow the Hero's Journey. It has become one of the most valuable tools I have used when presenting my team's work or ideas to others. 

It allows an audience to connect with my customer and empathize with them. Regardless of whether the listener agrees with or supports my cause, they have a hard time forgetting the story because it feels familiar. 

Be memorable. 

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Day 30

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