Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Day 30

According to my calculations, I’ve spent at least a year of my life sleeping outside.

When I look back on the years, memories of majestic mountain and fern filled forests rush to the front of my mind.

It’s intriguing how in retrospect, my favorite moments were excruciatingly simple yet overflowing with feelings of “pleasure and contentment” which is how the dictionary describes being happy.

In paradox, a majority of my time is now spent so that I might one day have the financial freedom to pursue more of these endeavors. It seems as if we as humans get a taste of what we enjoy, then spend a large part of our lives doing something else, to then possibly return to the source of our joy.

I’m not sure if happiness should be an accepted state of mind regardless of our situation and circumstances or if it should be understanding of what brings you joy and committing to make long term sacrifices to bring that dream to fruition.

However, it is clear that successful people love what they do. They don’t seem to have a disconnect between their daily activities and their source of happiness.

While the concept of true happiness remains somewhat of a mystery to me, I can see how the first clue to the puzzle is hinting that my thoughts, intentions, and actions need to align.

Who knows what will happen from there.

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Day 30

According to my calculations, I’ve spent at least a year of my life sleeping outside. When I look back on the years, memories of majestic ...